
Michael ZAHN

I am an expert at listening to my clients' needs, both in what you say, what you don't say, and even what you do. Because of that, I have an excellent reputation for finding that "perfect home" for my client. In 2023 I was ranked among the Top 3% of Agents in Maricopa County with over $11 Million in residential sales and going on 500 career sales.

Top Performer

$120 Million

Value of Real Estate Sold


Properties Sold


Five Star Reviews

Featured Video

Watch this video for the top 7 reasons to buy a home here in the valley. This video gives you 5  Reasons you SHOULD move to Phoenix, one of which will surprise you!


Neighborhood Guides

I have a passion for real estate and an intimate knowledge of the local market. I am your go-to agent for finding your dream home in the sunny state. Explore Arizona's diverse communities, and let my expertise lead you to the perfect place to call home.

Work With Mike

I have been a full-time realtor since 2005, and I am ranked in the top 3% of Maricopa County agents. With 46 5-star reviews, over 80% of my business comes from repeat and referral clients. You can trust my honest communication, skillful negotiations, and extensive market knowledge that only experience brings.

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